The large power plants designed by n.EUS - NEW ENERGY URBAN SYSTEMS are power plant buildings with a totally new technology, a constructional solution for using the giant upper wind potentials that is available worldwide. Additionally facade surfaces are available for using solar energy. In its lower areas approximately one third of the building is used for energy storage. The upper two third of the buildings are structured/subdivided into utilization units, basic modules and mezzanines / intermediate floors. The circular shaped layout design allows the wind after tracking of the pivoted basic modules. Thereon arranged spatial matrixes, constructed modularly consist of various rotary types to avoid a resonance catastrophe.
In high power plant buildings (TGKW) a large number of rotors with different axial positions are exposed to steady and heavy airstream at an altitude of up to 1.000 meters. Thanks to the inclusion of proven methods of storage the large power stations form the center of regional supply networks. The new large power stations (TGKW) could gradually replace the previously known energy conversion technologies from fossil energy sources. With their peaks they reach far into the lower layer of the atmosphere, the troposphere, where the weather basically develops in the different zones of pressure and wind flows. The daily turnover of the amount of energy in the troposphere is by various decimal powers of ten greater than all previous available earthly energy sources. The sites and locations of our large power plants can be at any point of the earth´s surface, at any place where atmospheric conditions are known or where they can be researched. We have tested the new energy systems at simplified spatial (this is about space and room) work models and our expectations have been confirmed. In contrast to the present wind power plants (WKA-first generation) we have named the new energy systems in the large power plants the „second generation“.
- Energy can be produced where needed, also in municipal, urban structures ( in case of positive research findings) which will, given such classification of the lower building areas, determine its utilization (shopping passages, parking garages, halls and greater areas for industry, trade, trade fairs/exhibitions, leisure time, culture, sport and others) or in the first stage, close to existing power plants which need to be shut down or conventional power plants under utilization of the existing infrastructure.
- The existing worldwide potential of upper wind is steady and could therefore lead to a full capacity use.
- The costs for tracking so far used resources such as coal, gas and uranium as well as for their disposal will be avoided.
- The necessity to build „electricity highways“ in their thus far planned form would no longer be necessary since we can assume a decentralized production and a regional utilization of electric energy.